The lab is focused on consumer preferences in the context of living standard. The research area includes hierarchy of values, income situation, structure of expenses, decision making process, way of meeting needs and bounded rationality

About Us

doc Ing. Lea Kubíčková, Ph.D.


is the head of the Department of Marketing and Trade, Faculty of Business and Economics in Brno. In her research activity, she has recently dealt with consumer behavior, especially consumer behavior in the field of food waste. Her last project “Pro-environmental behavior of households and incentives for behavioral change in food waste production” funded by Technology agency of the Czech Republic is focused on this topic. 

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In the previous period, as the main researcher of the project “Development of a methodology for the implementation, evaluation and effectiveness of the implementation of the National Action Plan Supporting Positive Aging”, she also dealt with the issue of aging.

Ing. Marcela Kormaňáková, Ph.D.


is an assistant professor at the Department of Marketing and Trade, Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, Czechia. She is involved in several projects on consumer behavior, including the project “Pro-environmental behavior of households and incentives for behavioral change in food waste production” funded by Technology agency of the Czech Republic. 

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She focuses primarily on food wastage, retail sector and food consumption.

Ing. Lucie Veselá, Ph.D.


is an assistant professor at the Department of Marketing and Trade, Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, Czechia. She is involved in several projects on consumer behavior, including the project “Pro-environmental behavior of households and incentives for behavioral change in food waste production” funded by Technology agency of the Czech Republic. 

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She focuses primarily on food wastage, prevention strategies and media strategy for behavioral changes.

prof. Ing. Jana Stávková, CSc


is a professor and former dean at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno. Her educational activities are connected with the Department of Marketing and Trade. She participated in the establishment of this department in 1997. She is a member of the Control Board of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. She is engaged in the education of doctoral students in the field of methodology of science, including methods for processing research results. Her research focuses on consumer behaviour.

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Her research activities deal with Czech consumers, their living conditions and income situation in the context of the impact on their purchasing decisions. These research activities are based on the application of statistical methods. During her career, she has published a large number of research articles in highly rated journals, several monographs and textbooks. She has also been a member of many scientific councils and commissions, a principal investigator and co-investigator of several projects. Currently, she is a member of the research team of the project Support for Pro-Environmental Patterns of Behaviour and Initiatives for Behavioural Change in Food Waste Production and Waste. She is also a co-investigator of the project Support for the Multidisciplinarity of Research Programs of Young Scientists.

Under her leadership, 140 graduates successfully defended their diploma theses and 12 graduates successfully defended their doctoral studies.

Mgr. Ing. Naďa Hazuchová, Ph.D.


is an assistant professor at the Department of Marketing and Trade at Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Business and Economics. She is a guarantor and lecturer of the subject focused on marketing research and consumer behaviour. In her research activities she deals with the influence of living standards and social trends on consumer behaviour. She completed her doctoral studies in 2015. She is the holder of the Tomáš Kotrba Awards for Outstanding Scientific Results and other awards. During her studies, she took part in an internship at Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences in Finland, research internships at the Austrian Institute for Economic Research and an internship in a selected company focusing on marketing research in the IT sector in London, UK. Her research activities deal with consumer behaviour with a focus on their standard of living and lifestyle.

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Moreover, she is interested in the impact of societal changes on consumer preferences. She regularly participates in scientific conferences. Her publishing activities include dozens of articles in scientific journals, she is the co-author of several chapters in monographs and teaching texts. She was a member of the research team of several projects of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and internal grant projects of FBE, MENDELU. Also, she is the contact person for Mendel University in Brno within the Consumer Behaviour Erasmus Network. Last but not least, she works with talented students. Under her leadership, more than 30 students successfully defended their final thesis. Her research knowledge is applied in a commercial environment as well. She lives with her husband and child in Brno, Czech Republic.

Ing. Veronika Antošová, Ph.D.


is an assistant professor at the Department of Marketing and Trade at the Faculty of Business and Economics at Mendel University in Brno, where she lectures on courses concerning marketing and business operations. She successfully completed her doctoral studies in 2014. During her studies, she took part in a four-month internship at University College Cork. She is the author of the monograph Standard of Living of the Elderly and its Measurement (2015) and many research articles. She regularly participates in foreign professional conferences. Furthermore, she was a member of the Rector’s Commission for Pedagogy (2014 – 2016) and Rector’s Commission for Promotion and Media Presentation (2014 – 2017) at Mendel University in Brno.

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Her research is focused on the consumer behaviour of seniors with a focus on their living conditions. She was the first to start working with the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions at Mendel University. She was the solver of several internal grant projects at the university. Moreover, she was a part of the team that solved the TAČR projects of the Program of Public Procurement in Research, Experimental Development and Innovation for the needs of the state administration BETA, entitled Increasing the effectiveness of the National Action Plan Supporting Positive Aging for 2013-2017 (2015-2016) and Quality of Life of Seniors in the Czech Republic (2016). Also, she was a co-author of the methodology for implementation, evaluation and effectiveness of the implementation of the National Action Plan Supporting Positive Aging within the TAČR OMEGA Program for Support of Applied Social Science Research and Experimental Development (2016-2017). 

She currently lives with her partner and two children in Slavkov u Brna, Czech Republic.

Ing. Irena Antošová


is a doctoral student at Mendel University in Brno, Faculty of Business and Economics, where she is also involved in teaching marketing subjects in Czech and English in the Department of Marketing and Trade.

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Her research concerns the income situation of hoseholds with a focus on low-threshold households. She was already engaged in professional activities as a master’s student. During her doctoral studies, she has published several research results and participated in scientific conferences. She is an expert on the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions database. In 2021, she plans to complete her doctoral studies with the defense of a dissertation on the topic of living conditions of Czech low-income households.